Login Support
Login issues If you are having issues logging into your Lab, please check the troubleshooting guide below.
Please use your
Please use your
Browser BACK button
anytime to return to the Login screen.
Step 1: Do you have an account?
Please enter your email address
below to check if you have an account in the Lab.
Step 2: Password issue?
If you email address comes up GREEN (under the Check Now button left), contact james.fordham@zis.com.au for assistance.
Please try typing your password (not copy and paste). Copy and paste can add a space
character at the beginning or end of your password.
If above fails, try the Password reset
below. You will have up to 60 minutes to activate the reset link.
Passwords are case-sensitive.
Do NOT copy and paste password - Type it in to avoid accidental spaces
If all else fails....
Please contact james.fordham@zis.com.au
for further assistance.